Members of Jackson Electric Cooperative can receive a special off-peak electric rate for electric heating and cooling systems that are wired for peak load control under the dual fuel program. Under this program, the electric heating and cooling system is metered separately (dual meters) and is switched off during peak demand periods via a load management receiver installed by a Jackson Electric Cooperative technician. Members of Jackson Electric can now be notified of a peak load control. Please complete the Load Management Notification Enrollment form and send it to our office. Forms are also available at our office.
If you are a participant of Jackson Electric's dual fuel program, and your dual fuel equipment has not already been inspected, you will be receiving a request to inspect your dual fuel meter and control panel. Our technician will also inspect the load management receiver, verify electric heating systems on the dual fuel panel and backup heat, and confirm the water heater serial number. If an appointment is not scheduled by the response date in your notification, you may be taken off the dual fuel rate until an appointment is scheduled.
Learn more about the dual fuel inspection.
If you've made a change to your electric heating system and backup heat, please contact us so that we can update our records. We may need to inspect your control panel to confirm the new equipment is set up correctly for load control.

Dual Fuel Qualifications
The dual fuel system is any configuration of at least four (4) kW of electric heat that is installed in combination with an automatic, non-electric backup source of heat. When a peak control period occurs during the winter, the electric heat is switched off and the non-electric backup heating system is activated to provide heat during the control period. During the summer months, the cooling system is cycled on and off every 15 minutes during a peak control period. The installation or use of any uncontrolled electric heat, such as a portable electric space heater that may operate during peak control periods, is not permitted on either meter under this program.
Most hard-wired electric heating and cooling systems and domestic hot water systems are permitted on the dual fuel meter. Items that are plugged into outlets are not allowed on the program. Loads such as dryers, stoves, hot tubs, plug-in air conditioners, and other non-controlled loads are also not allowed on the dual fuel program. Beginning in 2018, newly installed geothermal heat pumps are not permitted on the dual fuel meter. Well pumps used for open-loop geothermal heat pumps are allowed on the dual fuel program if the well will see limited use during load control periods.
There is no exact definition of when a peak alert may occur. That's why it's important to have an automatic fossil fuel backup source of heat to maintain your comfort level when the electric heat is interrupted. If the equipment is properly operating, most don't realize when a control period occurs.
Winter peak alert periods will begin at 6:55 a.m. and all loads to be restored by 11:00 a.m. Summer peak alert periods usually start about 2:00 p.m. and ends about 6:30 p.m. Cooling loads are cycled on and off every 15 minutes during the summer peak load control.
Winter peak alert periods will occur during the months of December, January, and February. There will be up to three (3) events per month and a maximum of seven (7) events during the winter season. Summer peak alert periods will occur during the months of June, July, and August. There will be a maximum of nine (9) events during the summer season.
Economic control events can happen at any time and any day depending on the energy market prices.
During the summer, May 1-October 31, dual fuel water heaters are controlled:
All loads controlled by 1 p.m.; fully restored by 9 p.m.
During the winter, November 1-April 30, dual fuel water heaters are controlled:
Morning: All loads controlled by 5:55 a.m.; fully restored by 12:25 p.m.
Afternoon: All loads controlled by 3:55 p.m.; fully restored by 10:25 p.m.
Typically, dual fuel water heaters are not controlled on weekends and the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Independence Day
Memorial Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Dual fuel meter sockets are available for purchase from Jackson Electric. Please contact the office for pricing.
Control Wires and Diagram
Dual Fuel Requirements