Jackson Electric desires to ensure the proper handling of rental properties in our service territory. The forms below will assist the Cooperative in keeping the Landlord/Tenant records up-to-date so that these accounts can be handled as efficiently and accurately as possible.
Tenants wishing to open new membership with Jackson Electric should refer to the new membership guidelines.
If you are an owner of a property/properties, and intend to rent property/properties to a tenant, Jackson Electric needs to have a completed and signed Landlord Property Agreement on file. This Agreement will ensure the proper handling of your rental property/properties and establishes who is responsible for payment of the Jackson Electric billing statement. This completed form must be on file at Jackson Electric before the service is transferred to the tenant.
If you are a tenant renting a property and have obtained a Jackson Electric membership, service is in your name, and you plan to vacate the rental property, Jackson Electric needs to have a completed and signed Electric Service Status form on file.
Release of Information
If you are a tenant renting a property and have obtained a Jackson Electric membership, service is in your name, Jackson Electric cannot disclose your account information to the Landlord without authorization. If you would like to allow account access to the Landlord, a completed and signed Authorization of Release Information must be on file at Jackson Electric.